North of Udine: Karnia (Carnia)

North of Udine: Karnia (Carnia)

The region of the low hills north of Friuli is called Karnia, and the name was given by the Celtic tribes, who settled here in the 4th century. p.n.e. From the Udine side, by road or …



It is good, that the author of the best works of art in UDINE is Giambattista Tiepolo, because the light and brilliant work of this painter suits the city very well. Small canals called rogge run alongside and underneath the streets, discharged from the rivers Torre and …



Just located 17 km from Udine, next to the railway and bus lines, CIVIDALE is a real gem, a city highly valued by Friulani, but unknown to strangers. He founded them in 50 r. p.n.e. Julius Caesar in place, where the Natisone valley opens up to …

Gorizia (Gorizia)

Gorizia (Gorizia)

As with other cities in the region, the stillness prevailing in GORICE today (access from Udine and Trieste) contrasts with the lush past. The castle dominating the historic center was once the seat of the Dukes of Gorizia, who ruled the region for four …

Palmanova, Aquileia and its surroundings

Palmanova, Aquileia and its surroundings

A triangular stretch of land south of Udine - bounded to the west by the Tagliamento River, and to the east Isonzo, and crossed by other rivers flowing into shallow ones, sandy waters of the Adriatic Sea - does not seem to be a very attractive region for tourists: all …

From Trieste to Duino

From Trieste to Duino

The bathing area closest to Trieste on the Triestine Riviera, as it is proudly called, is the 20-kilometer stretch of coast from Duino - this is BARCOLA, where does the bus no 6. It was built during the heyday of Trieste at the end of the 19th century., …

Around Trieste

Boat trips. From March to September, the Dionea steamer rips the Istrian coast, between Grado in the north and Pula in the south. Details at the AGEMAR travel agency, Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi the (»040/69021). We recommend the Dionea day trip for the best …

Sad – Gastronomy

Sad – Gastronomy

Trieste remains the leading coffee port in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the delights of strolling through Borgo Teresiano is the roasted coffee aroma wafting around. Triesteans take coffee very seriously and there are many places, where you can taste …

City of Trieste

The tourist area of ​​Trieste, steeped in ancient history, is above all the San Giusto hill with its castle and cathedral. Castello (codz. 8.00-until dusk) is a 15th-century Venetian fortress, built next to the site of the Roman forum; there is not much to watch, but the walk on the embankments is obligatory. …



Situated between the white limestone plateau and the blue waters of the Adriatic, TRIEST has an idyllic scenery even according to Italian criteria. The Romans took the city in 178 r. p.n.e. and they called them Tergeste, but at least traces of their presence can be seen throughout the city (for example. w …